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GeoCheckpoint Types

There are three GeoCheckpoint types: Standard GeoCheckpoint, Challenge GeoCheckpoint and Commercial GeoCheckpoint.

Standard GeoCheckpoint

Standard GeoCheckpoint is the most common (and preferred) type. It is possible to reach these GeoCheckpoints by walk in less than three hours from the nearest parking place or public transport stop without any special equipment.

Challenge GeoCheckpoint

Challenge GeoCheckpoint requires special equipment to reach it or more than three hours of walking from the nearest parking place or public transport stop.

Commercial GeoCheckpoint

Commercial GeoCheckpoint is the same like Standard GeoCheckpoint, but it is placed in the area where is possible to enter only after paying a fee. Good example of such areas can be Zoo, complex of historic buildings or national park where you have to pay for the entrance.

Like any other type of Geocheckpoint, Commercial GeoCheckpoints must be placed in the area where is something worth to visit. Commercial GeoCheckpoint placed solely for the purpose of financial profit will not be approved. Only supporters are allowed to place Commercial GeoCheckpoints.

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