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Mariazell Viniculture 3rd Geocheckpoint in Switzer

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GeoCheckpoint Details

GeoCheckpoint Name: Mariazell Viniculture 3rd Geocheckpoint in Switzer
GeoCheckpoint Type: Standard GeoCheckpoint
Terrain: Suitable for small children
Rating: 0%

GeoCheckpoint Description

A very nice place to enjoy the view over lake Sempach. Also a very nice chapel is sourrounded by many grape-vines. Just look behind the "Weinbau pannel" and you'll find what you're looking for.

Ein lauschiges Plätzchen mit einer wunderschönen Aussicht auf den Sempachersee. Hier findest du auch eine schöne Kapelle welche von einigen Weinreben umgeben ist. Schau hinter das Weinbauschild und du findest was du suchst

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